Ducknowl Delivers Consistent Employee Experience
No doubt, you invest considerably in your customer experience,paying close attention to your customer satisfaction metrics. As an attentive owner or manager, you conclude that your employee experience is the determining factor in your customer’s experience. Ultimately, your employees create your customer experience from their own beliefs about the firm. Various benefits of Ducknowl:
1. Finding Ideal Tools to Improve Employee Experience
As your firm scales, you’ll need help with many of the internal moving parts. Third-party services can help with everything from your recruitment process to employee retention, and even ensuring smooth exits and off-boarding processes.
2. Eliminating Bias in Human Resources
We all have biases. As people, we can work incredibly hard to reduce and mitigate our problematic mental shortcuts. We need to recognize, though, that it is very hard just to be aware of all of our biases — let alone eliminate them.
Ducknowl’s innovative solution provides data-driven tools to ensure that your recruitment process is demonstrably free from bias. Being intentional about eliminating bias in hiring will create a work environment that your employees can recognize as fair and professional as they’re onboarded. While getting to know their coworkers, they’ll find people different from them in all of the ways that will benefit the whole team, but well-qualified and similar to them in all of the ways that are critical to performance.
3. Make Candidates Feel Seen
Not every job is a copywriting position. It can be helpful to have more options to let job candidates present themselves than merely relying on the traditional resume. Give your prospective hires different options for demonstrating their capabilities and you will see them for who they are. They, in turn, will feel more valued, right from the start. Ducknowl allows you to accept video/audio files and processes candidate information in many more dynamic ways than you ever could by thumbing through a pile of resumes.
4. Respect Your Candidates’ Time
Consider your candidate’s situation. Looking for a job can include a lot of phone tags, complex scheduling problems, and — worst of all — waiting. Start your relationship off on the right foot by respecting your prospect’s time. Ducknowl’s screening and pre-recorded video interview features allow candidates to respond in a timeframe that’s most convenient for them, in the quiet and comfort of their homes.
Read More: What is pre recorded video interview?
Ducknowl’s innovative solution makes the screening and scheduling processes fast, allowing you to reach the best candidates quickly. That also means that you’ll be getting to them before they’re snatched up by a competitor.
When employers put effort behind maintaining a healthy employee environment, from onboarding through promotions, even to off-boarding, it translates to employees creating a healthy and stress-free experience for customers. It’s a no-brainer that happy employees make for happy customers, making the culture investment more than worth it.