ducknowl integrates with jazzhr

Ducknowl now integrates with JazzHR

Ducknowl integrates with JazzHr and is excited to provide an integrated solution to make the hiring process more humanized and allow for an incredible and efficient recruitment experience. We get it! Time is of the essence!

Pairing Ducknowl’s streamlined talent assessment platform with JazzHR gives both recruiters and candidates a chance to put their best foot forward. It’s a two-way platform collaboration, making things faster, smarter, and bias-free. Ducknowl reduces the screening time by 70-80% and digitizes the process with inbuilt features like video interviewing, resume screening, keyword matching, automated proctoring, and results sharing.

What does this integration mean for JazzHR clients?

The Ducknowl system was designed to identify the top candidates with ease. With this integration, JazzHR users can take advantage of better insights into their candidates, helping them to make better-informed recruitment decisions.

Our team, with experience in recruiting, knows what hiring crunch time feels like! We know the pain points of time-consuming phone calls resume sifting, and even interviews, especially when hiring for multiple jobs. Combining JazzHR with Ducknowl’s Video Screening and Skills Test solutions means recruiters get the best chance to make efficient, data-driven hiring.

What the Integration Entails

Every recruitment, hiring, and onboarding process needs data and information that flows between your core HR system and the applicant tracking system. The new Ducknowl integration with JazzHR assures a seamless flow of job details, new employee data, candidate data, and roles between these applications. It harmoniously transforms your raw data into accurate, current, and actionable data, thereby simplifying complex hiring processes.

1. Transfer Resumes

Ducknowl automatically pulls all applicant data, such as resumes, from the JazzHR database, allowing recruiters to utilize platform tools like video screening and skill assessments.

2. Full Candidate Screening on Ducknowl

The Ducknowl’s video interview screening and skill tests provide recruiters a fuller candidate assessment, and with the integration, you can also send screening data from Ducknowl back to JazzHR.

3. Transfer Hired Candidate Information

Recruiters can conduct bilateral data exchange within our Ducknowl platform and the JazzHR platform. It will amplify the accuracy and scalability of all our Ducknowl products, including (not limited to):

  • Pre-Recorded Interviews
  • Online Skills Testing
  • Resume Screening
  • Video Job Description

4. Integrate Structured Interviews With Your Recruitment Process

The Ducknowl–JazzHR integration enhances your recruitment additionally with custom interview questions and integrating digital rating guides. These work to gradually minimize hiring biases and promote diversity in your workforce.

Start using Ducknowl & JazzHR together

Automating business processes between JazzHR and Ducknowl can help you reduce manual data entry, and phone tagging, and heighten both the experiences of recruiters and candidates alike.

We know every organization has unique requirements. Staffing agencies, small businesses, and one-man armies can all find solutions within the Ducknowl platform, and our team can help you design automated workflows to get the best out of your recruiting system investments.

If you’re already a JazzHR client, visit our listing on the JazzHR Marketplace for more information!

Schedule a demo and learn more here:

Say goodbye to the biased and hectic hiring process. Welcome to data-driven recruitment!

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